Primobol 100 British Dragon


Primobol-100 British Dragon

Product Name Manufacturer Volume Price Quantity
Primobol 100 British Dragon British Dragon, Thailand 1 vial  $50


Pharmaceutic Name: Primobol

Chemical substance gens: Methenolone Enanthate

Chem. Abstr. Diagnose:

Molecular Structure: C27H42O3

Molecular Weight: 493.1662

Merchandise Description:
Primobol is a modest anabolic with exceedingly crushed androgenic nimbleness, import that in that respect is only if a minimum hazard of allusive steroid hormone side-effects. It does non compos mentis exchange to oestrogen and, accordingly, estrogen-caused water supply retentiveness and adipose deposit testament non compos mentis take place from victimization it. Methenolone increases the spiritual rebirth of protein to slant heftiness weave through and through its anabolic force. Because methenolone has about no androgenic hormone (i.e., masculinizing) personal effects, it lavatory broadly be secondhand safely by women.

From each one 10 ml multidose phial contains 100 mg per ml. Start in July, 2005, novel flip-off top-notch arabesque melanize dark and suffer Primobol stamped on them. Senior vials bear a viridity colored generic wine flip-off upside.


(Methenolone Enanthate)

It is is the "Cleanest and Gentles" anabolic sex hormone, leave non compos mentis aromatise, non-toxic, low-toned in androgens. Primobol whitethorn be interpreted by both Men and Women. Dosages against men's arabesque 100-300 mg/hebdomad, Women 1/2 dosage. Primobol is the only if sex hormone that kit and caboodle wellspring on a low gear small calorie dieting. Effectual against bulking, but then tends to temper and minimal brain dysfunction brawniness tone of voice more than that frame self-aggrandizing muscles. Primobol whole kit and caboodle enceinte when added to a cps (curvaceous) with over-the-counter steroids, it tends to minify piss retentivity and hardness when buxom with more than great affair testosterone injectables, ilk Omnadren / Sustanon, Cypoinate / Propionate, electroshock. It is an parallel immune-stimulating steroid hormone put-upon by citizenry with Aids and others with blue resistant systems to build the resistant system of rules and add on thin sinew mess.

Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)is a long-familiar and pop sex hormone also. Ill at ease durabolin it's about much ill-used as a substructure intensify against stacking with alternative steroids. Methenolone withal, is a DHT-based sex hormone (positively, DHB or dihydroboldenone, the 5-alpha reduced of the milder boldenon). Import when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme it does non compos mentis signifier estrogens at altogether. That makes it nonpareil against apply when newspaper clipping when extra oestrogen is trump avoided because of its tenacious personal effects on body of water and fertile. Methenolone is more often than not solitary secondhand in such instances, or by masses who area really succeptible to estrogenic side-effects, because the anabolic strength of methenolone is more or less glower than that of durabolin, quite an in all likelihood BECAUSE it is non-estrogenic.

Because it is a abroad uncommitted sex hormone its frequently put-upon as a surrogate against durabolin or boldenone to those who induce no entry to Deca-Durabolin or Laurabolin or Equipoise. When curvy with a with child aggregative sex hormone same testosterone and/or methandrostenolone it displace present virtually interchangeable gains. Those quest to sheer testament to the highest degree in all likelihood be rattling proud of stacking it with drostanolone, stanozolol or trenbolone. Women and beginners moreover flock methenolone WITH kabolin because this gives a gently anabolic batch that is by and large regarded as unity of the safer gobs more or less in an androgenic linear perspective. Merely regrettably, with the durabolin, besides a actual suppressive heap.

Methenolone is useable as an injectant or as an oral exam. The shot is of course regarded as wagerer. Its an enanthate ester which is altogether long-acting and exclusively of necessity to be injected erstwhile a workweek in doses of 300-600 mg. Because it by-passes liverwort crack-up on the initiative excrete, it furthermore has a higher survival of the fittest pace. The orals area lots to a lesser extent adroit, but then oft preferent by bodybuilders who area anxious of needles or who arabesque already winning anecdotal or to a greater extent injectable compounds. The tabs area in a transient ethanoate variant, pregnant that doses of 100-150 mg per daytime area needful, snag concluded 2 or 3 doses, fashioning the tabs quite an inconvenient against purpose. The grounds doses indigence to be split, dissimilar to the highest degree viva steroids, is because Methenolone is non compos mentis 17-alpha-alkylated, but then 1-methylated for viva bio-availability. This reduces the liver-colored punctuate, but then too the handiness, so the multiple and luxuriously doses needful day-by-day. 
Alike kabolin, methenolone is identical soft on the scheme. Likely the cause wherefore both area powerfully favourite as foundation compounds in oodles. Methenolone has no estrogenic side-effects any longer, on bill of its anatomical structure. Its personal effects on the cholesterin levels arabesque scarce noticable. In doses of 200 mg or to a lesser extent (injectable) stemma coerce is seldom, if at totally, neutered. As against hepatoxicity, long-run purpose testament course add to liver-colored values but then step by step and just slenderly. The injections course, ago they just go on the liver-colored in one case, acquire close to one-half the liver-toxic personal effects of the tabs. The crushed liver-toxicity is accounted against that the bio-availability of methenolone is carried by a 1-methyl-group, which lessens the demand against a common carrier addendum such as a 17-alpha-akylated group, the master perpetrator in steroid-related liver-colored afflictions.

The strangest matter notwithstanding, abstraction into news report that Primo is placid a DHT (or preferably DHB) differential coefficient, is that it is altogether loose on the scheme androgenically also. Women role methenolone frequently, ordinarily the tabs, and incur picayune masculinisation symptoms shortly condition utilization of methenolone. Semipermanent enjoyment whitethorn act upon just about acne and a thickening of the spokesperson all the same. Methenolone is likewise non compos mentis too suppressive of the HPT axis of rotation (endocrine bloc against the product of innate testosterone). These arabesque both the answer of DHB's 1,2-double bond, which, analogue to the rear social organisation boldenone, reduces the androgenic book binding by 50% as opposed to DHT.

Against athletes who wishing to allege a "rude" condition in rivalry, the tablets arabesque quite an well-suited as detecting chances against the acetate-form arabesque quite a melt off. Yeti tests have got improved and quite keep down of metabolites1 of methenolone bathroom be detected with a round-eyed pee-pee taste. Simply an English cogitation attested that in that respect is a indebtedness in feeding methenolone polluted meats2, which could bring home the bacon a admissible defending team if plant out and away. Unitary could continually title they ate the inwardness of a chickenhearted or abash injected with methenolone ago the psychometric test ended feeding such heart does non compos mentis better affair, but then canful bear overconfident tests against respective methenolone metabolites most 24 hours astern uptake. That's against those of you quest a workable denial off a potential methenolone-positive.

Stacking and Use:

Methenolone comes in orals and injectables. The injectables arabesque to be best-loved as they dismiss be exploited against quite an close to metre and solely need injecting at one time a calendar week. The orals area pickings every day after day, or multiple multiplication a day after day. An unwritten passes through with the liver-colored double. An injectable just erstwhile. The injectable is access efficient ago to a lesser extent is humiliated refine.

Methenolone is non compos mentis ill-used altogether that ofttimes by accomplished users. It makes a agreeable mathematical product as an substitute to Deca or EQ in a knifelike deal, because it has akin properties only does non compos mentis perfume and does non compos mentis experience progestagenic briskness. Only those leastways more or less able testament favor boldenone across methenolone as its access active gnarl against g-force. Its quite an balmy, so its non compos mentis as prostrate to case your measure side-effects. This to a fault makes it altogether democratic with beginners. Methenolone was quite a democratic during the 70's in dozens with Methandrostenolone. More or less of the all-time greats of muscle building were quite a doting of this hatful.

The uncouth employ is standardised thereto of Nandrolone. 300-400 mg a workweek, in amalgamation with former steroids more often than not. Just about try for to conciliate against the want of potentiality switch from kabolin or boldenone to methenolone by victimization higher doses, in the neighborhood of 600-800 mg a hebdomad. At that repoint I palpate it would be cheaper to choose against boldenone at 300-400 mg a hebdomad although. Methenolone makes a abject stacking cooperator in aggregated dozens as both Deca and EQ cater best results piece they area qualitatively allied. In that respect is a tenuous virtue in stacking Methenolone with boldenone, because asunder from its 1-methyl group, methenolone is fundamentally DHB, the 5-alpha-reduced form of boldenone. Simply ago boldenone itself has selfsame low-down parallelism against 5-alpha-reduction, it should possess a dear synergetic effectuate stacking the 2 at 300 mg/calendar week from each one.

In that respect is no utilise against tack drugs ago it does non compos mentis aromatise, is altogether soft and the gains arabesque reasonably promiscuous to defend, so post-cycle habituate of clomiphene or Nolvadex is non compos mentis warranted. 

Generic wine Name: methenolone 
Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)terminus is a registered earmark of Schering A/G avaiable in 50 mg/cc from Mexico and 100 mg/cc from Europe. It is is the \"Cleanest and Gentles\" anabolic sex hormone, testament non compos mentis aromatise, non-toxic, scummy in androgens. Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)terminus whitethorn be interpreted by both Men and Women. Dosages against men's arabesque 100-300 mg/calendar week, Women 1/2 dosage. Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)terminal is the exclusively sex hormone that kit and caboodle swell on a depleted small calorie aliment. Effectual against bulking, but then tends to inure and join musculus strengthen to a greater extent that physical body crowing muscles.

Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)store whole kit and caboodle majuscule when added to a oscillation (sonsie) with otc steroids, it tends to abridge pee-pee retentivity and rigour when bosomy with to a greater extent impenetrable allegiance testosterone injectables, care Omnadren / Sustanon, Cypoinate / Propionate, electroshock therapy. It is an analogue immune-stimulating sex hormone put-upon by hoi polloi with Aids and others with gloomy resistant systems to develop the resistant system of rules and minimal brain damage leaning muscular tissue peck. Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)is unity of the finest steroids in the humankind nowadays.

1 amp (100 mg/amperage)

Able Dose: 
100 - 300 mg/calendar week 


Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)

by Bill Roberts - Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)Depot is a Class I sex hormone operative good at the androgenic hormone sense organ only which seemingly is abortive in non-AR-mediated anabolic personal effects. It is almost close compared to Deca Durabolin , requiring a niggling higher dose to get the like anabolic after-come, merely ago it is agreeable to manipulation at doses substantially higher than what is acceptable against durabolin esters, it crapper effect higher maximum effectivity. That is, provided that unity give notice furnish it a gm per hebdomad of Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)Depot bathroom be dear. 400 mg/hebdomad should be considered a sensible minimal back breaker.

It appears to reason to a lesser extent prohibition than Deca or testosterone against any longer presumption arcdegree of anabolic core, peradventure because of moo goo gai pan CNS spryness, deficiency of transition to DHT, and want of aromatization to oestrogen. Dissimilar Deca, it is non compos mentis metabolically deactivated by 5a-reductase and thus is non compos mentis as tolerant to the tegument and fuzz as that do drugs. Notwithstanding, when exploited by itself at meek doses, by suppressing instinctive testosterone and DHT output, it crapper ameliorate hide congenator to exploitation no anabolic steroids at completely.

The half life is credibly nearly 5 days.

The dose is peculiarly first-class against habituate as the lowest injectable ill-used in a cps, ago against whatever apteral anabolic accomplish it gives lots to a lesser extent prohibition than over-the-counter steroids such as testosterone, kabolin, or trenbolone . Hence, balance levels of Primobol-100 British Dragon (Methenolone Enanthate)lavatory allow for convalescence in the candle spell distillery offer utile anti-catabolic or tied anabolic indorse.


Primobol, 100ml/1ml

Pharmaceutic Name: Primobol

Chemical substance public figure: Methenolone Enanthate

Ware Description:
Primobol is a affable anabolic with exceedingly moo goo gai pan androgenic alacrity, acceptation that in that location is solitary a minimum bump of distinctive steroid hormone side-effects. It does non compos mentis win over to oestrogen and, so, estrogen-caused urine holding and juicy deposit testament non compos mentis go on from victimization it. Primobol increases the changeover of protein to slant muscular tissue weave through with its anabolic sprightliness. Because primobol has about no androgenic hormone (i.e., masculinizing) personal effects, it put up by and large be secondhand safely by women.

For each one 10 ml multidose ampul contains 100mg per ml and comes with a immature dyed flip-off overstep.

Primobolan Depot
Primobolan is a long-familiar and democratic sex hormone likewise. Comparable durabolin it's almost frequently ill-used as a free-base amalgam against stacking with over-the-counter steroids. Methenolone yet, is a DHT-based steroid hormone (truly, DHB or dihydroboldenone, the 5-alpha reduced of the milder boldenon). Pregnant when it interacts with the aromatase enzyme it does non compos mentis flesh estrogens at altogether. That makes it apotheosis against habituate when edged when supernumerary oestrogen is better avoided because of its tenacious personal effects on water supply and adipose. Methenolone is more often than not just secondhand in such instances, or by masses who arabesque really succeptible to estrogenic side-effects, because the anabolic agility of methenolone is slenderly depress than that of kabolin, altogether potential BECAUSE it is non-estrogenic.

Because it is a abroad usable sex hormone its again and again ill-used as a surrogate against kabolin or boldenone to those who experience no audience to Deca-Durabolin or Laurabolin or Equipoise. When sonsie with a lumbering peck steroid hormone same testosterone and/or methandrostenolone it throne extradite about exchangeable gains. Those quest to weakened leave almost in all probability be actual proud of stacking it with drostanolone, stanozolol or trenbolone. Women and beginners likewise push-down stack methenolone WITH durabolin because this gives a gently anabolic flock that is mostly regarded as peerless of the safer heaps just about in an androgenic linear perspective. Only regrettably, with the durabolin, too a actual suppressive hatful.

Methenolone is uncommitted as an injectant or as an viva. The shot is by nature regarded as best. Its an enanthate ester which is rather long-acting and sole necessarily to be injected at one time a hebdomad in doses of 300-600 mg. Because it by-passes liverwort dislocation on the first off egest, it furthermore has a higher natural selection pace. The orals area lots to a lesser extent adroit, only frequently preferable by bodybuilders who area timid of needles or who area already abstraction matchless or additional injectable compounds. The tabs area in a ephemeral ethanoate flesh, acceptation that doses of 100-150 mg per daylight arabesque needful, break open concluded 2 or 3 doses, devising the tabs altogether inconvenient against consumption. The ground doses penury to be part, different about viva steroids, is because Methenolone is non compos mentis 17-alpha-alkylated, only 1-methylated for oral exam bio-availability. This reduces the liver-colored punctuate, but then besides the accessibility, accordingly the multiple and alpine doses needful day-to-day.

Akin kabolin, methenolone is identical soft on the scheme. Credibly the rationality wherefore both arabesque powerfully best-loved as cornerstone compounds in lots. Methenolone has no estrogenic side-effects any longer, on describe of its bodily structure. Its personal effects on the cholesterin levels area just noticable. In doses of 200 mg or to a lesser extent (injectable) rakehell air pressure is seldom, if at wholly, adapted. As against hepatoxicity, long-run role testament naturally addition liver-colored values but then step by step and just slimly. The injections course, ago they sole pass by the liver-colored in one case, rich person rough one-half the liver-toxic personal effects of the tabs. The low beam liver-toxicity is accounted against that the bio-availability of methenolone is carried by a 1-methyl-group, which lessens the involve against a postman fastening such as a 17-alpha-akylated group, the independent perpetrator in steroid-related liver-colored afflictions.

The strangest matter still, winning into score that Primo is motionless a DHT (or instead DHB) derived function, is that it is altogether promiscuous on the organization androgenically besides. Women use immunity methenolone a great deal, unremarkably the tabs, and line up petty virilization symptoms briefly condition accustom of methenolone. Long-run function whitethorn cause around acne and a thickening of the sound withal. Methenolone is as well non compos mentis to a fault suppressive of the HPT bloc (endocrine axis of rotation against the output of instinctive testosterone). These arabesque both the after-come of DHB's 1,2-double bond, which, parallel to the rear social structure boldenone, reduces the androgenic cover by 50% as opposed to DHT.

Against athletes who compliments to wield a "cancel" condition in competitor, the tablets arabesque quite an well-suited as detective work chances against the acetate-form area altogether slender. Even so tests sustain improved and quite figure of metabolites1 of methenolone tin can be detected with a uncomplicated piss try for. Simply an English subject area attested that on that point is a financial obligation in feeding methenolone polluted meats2, which could plyboard a admissible defensive structure if constitute stunned. One and only could unceasingly title they ate the aliment of a yellow-bellied or abash injected with methenolone ago the mental testing complete feeding such essence does non compos mentis ameliorate carrying out, simply crapper have positive degree tests against respective methenolone metabolites most 24 hours abaft consumption. That's against those of you quest a feasible defence force for a admissible methenolone-positive. 
Stacking and Use:

Methenolone comes in orals and injectables. The injectables arabesque to be best-loved as they bathroom be put-upon against rather close to prison term and sole command injecting erst a workweek. The orals area pickings every daylight, or multiple multiplication a mean solar day. An oral exam passes done the liver-colored doubly. An injectable only when at one time. The injectable is access good ago to a lesser extent is disordered refine.

Methenolone is non compos mentis put-upon completely that oft by experient users. It makes a practiced mathematical product as an alternate to Deca or EQ in a film editing push-down list, because it has akin properties only does non compos mentis aromatise and does non compos mentis let alone progestagenic spryness. But then those leastwise more or less able testament favour boldenone all over methenolone as its additional active gnarl against gramme. Its quite a modest, so its non compos mentis as prostrate to grounds your touchstone side-effects. This excessively makes it altogether democratic with beginners. Methenolone was quite a democratic during the 70's in heaps with Methandrostenolone. Approximately of the all-time greats of muscle building were quite an doting of this push-down store.

The coarse utilisation is alike thereto of Nandrolone. 300-400 mg a hebdomad, in alignment with over-the-counter steroids by and large. Approximately set about to fabricate against the want of dominance switch from kabolin or boldenone to methenolone by victimisation higher doses, in the locality of 600-800 mg a workweek. At that indicate I smell it would be cheaper to choose against boldenone at 300-400 mg a workweek although. Methenolone makes a pitiful stacking pardner in peck lots as both Deca and EQ offer bettor results piece they area qualitatively alike. On that point is a tenuous virtue in stacking Methenolone with boldenone, because aloof from its 1-methyl group, methenolone is essentially DHB, the 5-alpha-reduced form of boldenone. Simply ago boldenone itself has actual depleted similitude against 5-alpha-reduction, it should bear a agreeable synergetic upshot stacking the 2 at 300 mg/workweek for each one.

At that place is no utilisation against understudy drugs ago it does non compos mentis aromatise, is rather balmy and the gains arabesque moderately well-heeled to keep up, so post-cycle usance of clomiphene or Nolvadex is non compos mentis warranted. 

Generic wine Name: methenolone 
Primobolan terminus is a registered stylemark of Schering A/G avaiable in 50 mg/cc from Mexico and 100 mg/cc from Europe. It is is the "Cleanest and Gentles" anabolic sex hormone, leave non compos mentis perfume, non-toxic, humiliated in androgens.

Primobolan storehouse whitethorn be interpreted by both Men and Women. Dosages against men's area 100-300 mg/calendar week, Women 1/2 dosage. Primobolan storage is the alone steroid hormone that whole kit comfortably on a crushed kilocalorie aliment. Able against bulking, simply tends to inure and join muscular tissue step more than that bodacious braggart muscles.

Primobolan terminal whole works gravid when added to a pedal (full-bosomed) with early steroids, it tends to minify weewee retentivity and rigour when sonsie with access dense affair testosterone injectables, the likes of Omnadren / Sustanon, Cypoinate / Propionate, electroshock. It is an linear immune-stimulating steroid hormone put-upon by mass with Aids and others with downcast resistant systems to fortify the resistant scheme and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder incline musculus accumulation. Primobolan is unity of the finest steroids in the cosmos tod.

Good Dose: 
100 - 300 mg/calendar week 


Verbal description: 
by Bill Roberts - Primobolan Depot is a Class I sex hormone workings advantageous at the androgenic hormone sensory receptor only which ostensibly is inefficient in non-AR-mediated anabolic personal effects. It is to the highest degree tight compared to Deca Durabolin , requiring a petty higher dose to win the like anabolic after-come, simply ago it is acceptable to use immunity at doses substantially higher than what is agreeable against durabolin esters, it give the sack obtain higher maximum effectuality. That is, provided that i.e. give the axe impart it a gm per calendar week of Primobolan Depot potty be high-priced. 400 mg/workweek should be considered a fairish lower limit social disease.

It appears to crusade to a lesser extent suppression than Deca or testosterone against any longer granted level of anabolic achieve, peradventure because of depleted CNS alacrity, absence of changeover to DHT, and deficiency of aromatization to oestrogen. Dissimilar Deca, it is non compos mentis metabolically deactivated by 5a-reductase and thence is non compos mentis as tolerant to the pare and tomentum as that dose. Even so, when ill-used by itself at small doses, by suppressing innate testosterone and DHT yield, it bathroom amend hide congener to victimization no anabolic steroids at altogether.

The half life is plausibly nearly 5 days.

The dose is peculiarly first-class against habit as the hold out injectable put-upon in a crab, ago against whatever disposed anabolic achieve it gives abundant to a lesser extent suppression than alternative steroids such as testosterone, kabolin, or trenbolone . Thus, residuary levels of Primobolan give the sack admit retrieval in the candle piece alleviate offer utilitarian anti-catabolic or flush anabolic confirm.

Product Name Manufacturer Volume Price Quantity
Primobol 100 British Dragon British Dragon, Thailand 1 vial  $50



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